
It takes a team when You want more

Being passionate about Design, Quadrart Architecture Studio (QAS) focused on creating the highest quality architectural solutions and we are proud on maintaining an ethos of high standards throughout all aspects of our work.

We take great interest in the extended context of a project, as the built environment directly influence the quality of our lives, whether at home, at work or the public spaces in between.

Our expertise covers a large area of complete architectural development works for a Project, spanning from rendered visualization and concept to urban planning and detailed design, offering our clients more than 12 years of experience.

Since 2009, we use a successful partnership with the Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest (U.T.C.B.), to expand our area of expertise of constructions and road infrastructure, thus completing the services already offered to our clients before. Adapting to new market demands and opportunities, we assembled a strong team of certified specialists and partners with great experience and know-how of project management, real-estate development, design, value and risk management, project integration and organization.

Emphasizing a thoughtful design approach, we also recognize the increasing need for sustainable development, assisting clients with our practitioner experience in implementing international standards such as LEED, WELL and BOMA to their projects.

QAS has an Integrated Management System (IMS) certificated according to NP EN ISO 9001:2008, OHSAS 18001/2007 and ISO 14001:2004, in the scope of Project Management and Coordination of Construction, Project planning, Technical Expertise and Consulting.

We believe the combination of our proven abilities to define a vision, to create a compelling image, effectively communicate ideas, build consensus, develop options and realistic costs, navigate regulatory approvals, deliver superior quality, all contribute to the unfolding of a successful project.

Our Core Values

  • Honesty, integrity, fairness, humility and courage.
  • Clients are our most important partners.
  • Experimentation, innovation, and creativity.
  • Collaboration, mutual support, caring and respect.
  • Personal growth, productivity and accountability.
Projects Done
Happy Clients
Coffee Cups
Great Ideas

We provide the best architectural solutions


We transform the goals of our clients into succesful projects by delivering creative solutions.


Using great technical expertise we assist our clients navigate the complex environment of building projects and investments.

Project Management

We are committed to offer our clients the true Project Management principles in a highly collaborative design process.


We identify the risks, deliver the best concept and help choose the optimal solutions for new development projects.

Photography and Visualization

We deliver our clients the complete package of corporate photography and visualizations services.


We assist our clients in certifying their projects to international recognized standards and rating systems.
Str. Florian Pittis, nr.33, parter, sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania
Call Us
021 211 84 41
031 40 55 012
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Leed, Well si Boma

Recunoscand nevoia tot mai mare de punere in aplicare a standardelor de certificare la nivel international pentru proiectele lor, asistam clientii nostri cu:

Fotografie si Imagini Digitale

Imaginile trebuie sa transmita doar mesajul pe care doriti sa-l aiba si, punct de vedere tehnic, ar trebui sa fie adecvate scopului pentru care au fost realizate. Expertiza noastra bogata, de prelucrare a imaginilor standard si de consiliere post-productie gratuita, va asigura ca imaginile rezultate pot fi folosite asa cum ati intentionat. QAS ofera o mare varietate de servicii de fotografiere si imagine digitala de tip corporate, dupa cum urmeaza:


O piata noua prezinta intotdeauna un risc si potentiale intarzieri pentru toate proiectele imobiliare noi. QAS poate ajuta un potential Dezvoltator sa identifice si sa minimizeze aceste riscuri, alegand cel mai bun concept si solutii de proiect prin oferirea de servicii de consultanta, inclusiv:

Project Management

Quadrart Architecture Studio (QAS) recunoaste importanta elaborarii unui design de proiect atent gandit, ce presupune coordonarea tuturor specialitatilor de constructie intr-un proces de design extrem de riguros.

QAS este adeptul principiului de lucru in echipa multidisciplinara. Prin asamblarea mai multor specialitati in cadrul firmei noastre, oferim un singur punct de responsabilitate, coordonare si de comunicare pentru clientii nostri care au nevoie de:


Cladirile au un efect profund asupra peisajului nostru fizic si psihologic. Acestea afecteaza confortul, siguranta, productivitate si starea noastra generala. Lucrarile de constructii au un impact puternic asupra mediului, cat si influenta importanta asupra activitatilor noastre cotidiene. Din aceste motive si mai mult, oferta Quadrart Architecture Studio pentru servicii de expertiza tehnica cuprinde:


Fiecare proiect de design este unic. La Quadrart Architecture Studio (QAS) suntem de parere ca putem transforma obiectivele clientilor nostri in medii de lucru care sa le satisfaca necesitatile functionale si sa contribuie la succesul afacerii lor, utilizand din plin procesele si metodologii noastre, in colaborare cu persoanele calificate relevante, cat si printr-o comunicare eficienta si rapida. De asemenea, QAS si-a castigat un renume in sectorul premium al proiectelor rezidentiale, atat prin meticulozitatea detaliilor, cat si prin orientarea catre nevoile trailui modern.

Furnizarea de solutii creative, raspunzand celor mai mari provocari cu care se confrunta mediul in care traim, este ideea de baza folosita de QAS in practica si in proiectarea urbana. Astfel, oferta serviciilor noastre de proiectare includ:

Leed, Well and Boma

Recognizing the increasing need of implementing internationally certified standards to their projects, we assist our clients with:

Photography and Visualizations

Images should do the job you need them to do, that not only convey the message you want them to give, but technically should be fit for purpose. Our wide expertise, standard image processing and free post production advice, will ensure your images can be used how you intended. QAS provides an extensive variety of corporate photography and visualizations services covering:


A new market always presents a risk and potential delays for all new development projects. QAS can help a potential Developer identify and mitigate those risks and choose the best concepts and solutions for a project by offering consultancy services including:

Project Management

At Quadrart Architecture Studio (QAS), we acknowledge the significance of emphasizing a thoughtful design approach that brings all building disciplines together in a highly collaborative design process.

QAS is committed to the principle of multidisciplinary teamwork. By assembling multiple disciplines within our firm, we offer a single point of responsibility, accountability, coordination, and communication to our clients needing:


Buildings have a profound effect on our physical and psychological landscape. They affect comfort, safety, productivity and our overall state of being. Building operations strongly impact the environment as well as influence our daily activities. For these reasons and more, Quadrart Architecture Studio range of expertise includes:


Every design project is unique. At Quadrart Architecture Studio (QAS) we believe that through our processes and methodologies, the collaboration of many skilled individuals and effective communication with our clients, we can transform their goals into working environments that satisfy functional and strategic needs and contribute to the success of their business. Also, QAS has earned a strong reputation in the premium sector of residential projects, both through meticulous detail and by materializing the needs of modern living.

Delivering creative solutions to the greatest challenges facing the environment we are living on is the core focus of QAS’ urban planning and city design practice. Considering this, we offer our clients design services that include:
